Exciting Journey Through Historic Roosevelt Dime Mintages

Roosevelt Dime Mintages

The Roosevelt Dime, first introduced in 1946, has been a staple of American coinage for over 70 years. Named in honor of the 32nd U.S. President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, it carries a rich history mirrored in its consistent production across numerous mints.

The First Roosevelts

The earliest Roosevelt dimes were made primarily of silver. From 1946 to 1964, they carried a composition of 90% silver and 10% copper. Philadelphia, Denver, and San Francisco were the mints chosen to create these first editions. Fascinating to note, the Philadelphia coins did not carry a mint mark, making them unique in their own right.

1965 and the Silver Rush

Due to the rising cost and demand of silver, the United States Mint made a crucial decision in 1965. It radically switched to a composition of mainly copper-nickel, limiting silver to only the proof issues. Both Philadelphia and Denver continued to produce them without any mint marks, a practice that extended to 1967.

1968 and Beyond

Post-1968 witnessed a significant change in mintage practices. The two primary mints, Philadelphia and Denver, reinstated their mint marks identifying their origin. In line with this, San Francisco exclusively began to issue proof coins with the famous ‘S’ mint mark.

Mintage Peaks

The numbers of Roosevelt dimes minted per year have fluctuated dramatically over time. 1964 takes the crown for the peak production year with over 2.3 billion dimes minted at the Denver Mint alone. A testament to the silver rush that also swept over the dime’s production runs.

Present Day Roosevelt Minting

Today, Roosevelt dimes are made primarily for collector sets and demand is relatively light. The Philadelphia and Denver mints continue to produce the Roosevelt dime for general circulation. On the other hand, the San Francisco Mint provides exclusively proof and silver proof coins for collectors.

List of Roosevelt Dime Mintages

  • 1946 – 1949: Minted at Philadelphia, Denver, and San Francisco (PHL no mint mark)
  • 1950 – 1964: Minted at Philadelphia and Denver in silver compositions (PHL no mint mark)
  • 1965 – 1967: Minted at Philadelphia and Denver in copper-nickel compositions (no mint marks)
  • 1968 – Present: Minted at Philadelphia and Denver (mint marks reinstated), San Francisco for proof issues

In the coins collecting world, the Roosevelt Dime is a fascinating coin that holds unique historical and economic insights on material usage, production practices, and societal needs over different periods in our national history. With its nuanced mintage story, the Roosevelt Dime continues to shine on, gifting numismatic enthusiasts with an enriching addition to their collections.

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